World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry
20th World Congress in spring 2024 on the topic
"Social Challenges - Shared Responsibility in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy”
from 16th till 20th April 2024 in Marrakech, Morocco.
You may contribute either with a paper (20 minutes),
a symposium (1,5 hours with 4 to 6 presentations) or a workshop (90 minutes).
You can find a list of relevant topics for the conference here:
Please let us know as soon as possible if you will participate with a presentation and the title of your paper.
With best greetings
Sincerely yours
Professor Nikolaj G. Neznanov Professor Dr. phil. Dr. h. c. Dipl. Psych. Maria Ammon
President of WADP General Secretary of World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry
President of German Academy for Psychoanalysis